Friday, August 26, 2011

VW Beetle Club Kopdar Jakarta Gathered

About 30's famous car enthusiasts with the name 'VW Beetle' to meet the parking lot Cage Bird cafe in South Jakarta,last weekend (21/ 8).
"We gather to stay in relationship among members, but also to make the momentum of Ramadan to discuss several agenda of activities in the future," said Ario N Setiantoro,Chairman of the VBC.

Club's 28-year-old car that is being returned bergeliat to exist.Because in a few years ago had a vacuum due to busyness of each member."Currently we're excited to get back on,call it reborn," he added.
By going to raise some of the activities are expected to fly back VBC. This car club plans to make several events, one of which coincided with the Youth Pledge Day on October 28,2011 will make the City Special Rally VW.

At the end of next September,along with other VW enthusiast community going to hold on VW Stock Vaganza Rancamaya,Bogor.
Well for you fans of the VW Beetle and penggunak can follow the mailing list or send email to For the secretariat on the street Wildlife Lot 200 Pondok Labu, South Jakarta.

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