Sunday, July 31, 2011

Toyota Car Commemorating 40 Years in Indonesia

In Indonesia International Motor Show 2011,Toyota is displaying display advertisements and a booklet that describes the journey Toyota Toyota for 40 years in Indonesia. Not only that,in IIMS 2011,PT Toyota Astra Motor selected 40 of the best writing about the Toyota from different years in a span of 40 years of Toyota's presence in Indonesia.

Toyota officially present in Indonesia with the establishment of PT Toyota Astra Motor. PT Toyota Astra Motor was established in 1971 and the year that is regarded as the beginning of Toyota's official presence in Indonesia. However, Toyota actually been present in Indonesia long before the recall Toyota is Japan's first car brand that is present in Indonesia.
Exactly when the first Japanese automaker to enter Indonesia? When asked of people aged 50 years or older approach, most likely he will answer about the year 1965.

And he would say, Toyota jeep canvas is the first Japanese cars to Indonesia. Knowledge was obtained because the parents have the car in 1965.

Apparently Toyota jeep canvas was first brought to Indonesia in 1961. Head of the Bureau of Supplies and Purchasing Department of Transmigration, Cooperatives and Rural Community Development (1961-1964) Soemadijo Jong, 27 April, reveals, in 1961, he was tasked by the Minister of Transmigration, Cooperatives and Rural Community Development Achmadi to buy 100 jeep Toyota canvas to be distributed to local cooperatives throughout Indonesia at the time of implementation of the National Council of Cooperatives in Surabaya.

To enter a Toyota jeep canvas from Japan, the Ministry of Transmigration, Cooperatives and Rural Community Development has appointed PT GICA Ltd based in Jalan Majapahit, Central Jakarta.

So, in fact Toyota already present in Indonesia about 50 years ago or 10 years before PT Toyota Astra Motor was founded.

The second is the Japanese automaker Daihatsu Midget, which here is popularly known as bemo. Bemo inserted and assembled by PT Diesel and Tractor Factory (PT Paditraktor) Mohammad Tayeb property located in Tjawang Gobel, July 1962.

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