Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Volvo Ocean Race goes global on the web

Volvo Trucks takes the lead in the Volvo Ocean Race by launching local language websites in almost 50 countries around the world. By introducing a complementary website with information about the Volvo Ocean Race, Volvo Trucks will significantly help spread the excitement and drama of the sailing event to a wide target audience.
The global website will cover 33 languages and will be placed on close to 50 local Volvo Trucks sites around the world. This will enhance the local understanding of the race among Volvo’s customers and employees, as well as the role Volvo Trucks plays in this global event.

The official website for the Volvo Ocean Race is produced in four major languages, says Christina Ohlsson-Jones, manager for global sponsorships at Volvo Trucks. We felt that there was a need to spread the word to many more of the 130 countries Volvo Trucks operate in. With this new information website the coverage of the Volvo Ocean Race now becomes truly global , says Christina Ohlsson-Jones,

The information on the site is focusing on the race, boats, crew, route and Volvo Trucks’ involvement in the race.

One new feature is that the teams can be sorted in many categories, such as by name, country, age and team.

The aim is to encourage people to find a local connection with the Volvo Ocean Race, even if they don't have a stopover or a team participating. There are also links to all appropriate websites relating to the race.

The web site is available from Volvotrucks.com in English or at: http://www.volvotrucks.com/volvooceanrace

The first leg from Alicante in Spain to Cape Town in South Africa will start on October 11th. It is one of the longest legs of the race, and decidedly one of the most tactical.

“I am convinced that the 2008/2009 race will become the most exciting race ever, and by creating this site we want to make it easier for as many as possible to follow the drama.” says Christina Ohlsson-Jones.

Source: Volvo

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