Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Detroit continues to desecrate the corpse of Tiger Stadium

Mel Gibson's death scene in "Braveheart" didn't last this long:

Old Glory still flies in Tiger Stadium's center field, surrounded by foothills of concrete and twisted steel, shards of scrunched up plastic.

The half-gutted carcass of an elevator shaft looms high over the rubble, bearing witness to incomplete destruction, bureaucratic folly, bad timing and the near-total failure of love to fix any of it.

All work stopped weeks ago, without public explanation, amid territorial negotiations between state and city officials over the final tear-down.

The demolition, the article notes, is into its 14th month. It didn't take that long to build the original structure in 1911-12. What an absolute disgrace.

"thanks to reader YankeeFan Len for the link. Here's hoping the same thing doesn't happen to his team's old stadium"

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